Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How to Hydrate Aging Skin

How to Hydrate Aging Skin

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Aging is a serious and continuous process that is unfortunately affecting us all. Here are some simple but effective steps to take on your way to beautiful, healthy skin even while 'coming of age'.


  1. Exfoliate. This is one of the most important steps in mature skincare since it removes dead skin cells buildup and freshens up the dermis, leaving the skin prepared to absorb much easier all the nutrients in your skincare routine. Plus, it makes your skin look younger by removing the accumulated debris, polishing pores and fine lines and giving an overall glowing appearance.
  2. Use sun protection. As redundant as this might sound, it is crucial to protect your skin even more as you are starting to age. Due to hormonal changes, especially in women, the skin is more sensitive to sun damage, sun spots, moles and other formations that tend to appear around this period. Protecting your skin with a good SPF lotion (the higher the better) will improve your skin's chances of safeguarding its already slowing collagen production and overall skin elasticity.
  3. Use facial oils. If you stayed away from oils most of your life due to oily/combination skin problems or acne issues, now is the time to pack up for 'the drought'. Organic Rose Hip oil is highly recommended due to its light consistency, anti oxidants and fatty acids. However, you can also use avocado oil, apricot kernel oil or grapeseed oil. A tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil is more than welcome, in both daily alimentary use as well as skincare routine.
  4. Tone down facials and facial steaming, as well as hot baths/showers. If you're a fan of facials or facial procedures that involve steaming, try cutting back on these habits because your skin has started producing less collagen and maintaining less moisture. The harsher you treat it, the drier it will become. Make sure you clean your face properly and follow your usual cleansing program (facial treatments at the salon or at home), however be gentle when using heat.
  5. Healthy diet. Make sure you drink tons of water and tea (chamomile, mint, berries, ginseng, etc). Water will not only increase your overall cell hydration but the anti oxidants contained by plants will literally prepare your skin much better than plain water and also help your organism by 'washing up' and easing the activity of your internal organs, such as kidneys and liver. Herbal teas are a good method of detoxifying your body at home or under the direction of your physician.
  6. Skin supplements. Make sure you're taking two Omega 3 supplements daily, B vitamin complex as well as calcium doses. Your skin needs as many nutrients as your body and hair do.
  7. Keep your environment humid. If you live in excessively dry climates or your workplace has a penchant for excessive heating/air conditioning, remember to place a large water bowl anywhere near you, preferably on a shelf where it cannot get uncomfortable. The slow evaporation of water will incorporate into the atmosphere and your skin will not lose as much moisture as it normally would.
  8. Use rich moisturizers. Now it's the time to splurge with those thick face cremes you probably stayed away from throughout your teens/youth and adulthood. Make sure you gently massage the creams into your skin and let it drink it up. While you don't necessarily have to go for the most expensive brand out there, make sure you pick a line/cosmetic product your skin appreciates, packed with fatty acids, fruit oils and anti oxidants. There are many famous brands that have established themselves in the anti-aging department; investing in something of quality will only improve your skin and help it become hydrated and youthful again.
  9. Use superior quality cosmetics/makeup products that will help your skin balance its moisture and not lose it. Now is the time to invest in a quality foundation and powder, switching to products for skin that's one step drier than your normal type- if you have/had oily skin, switch to normal skincare line/makeup, normal-to dry, dry-very dry. It will improve the overall condition of your skin through extra pampering and accommodate more moisture into the upper layers of the skin while allowing you to maintain your usual makeup routine.


  • If you are suffering from hormonal acne, hormonal imbalance or any other condition for that matter do discuss with your physician about any changes in nutrition, daily habits or cosmetics use before attempting to switch your current routine.

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