Sunday, May 11, 2014

How to Remove Age Spots

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Age spots are the flat brown, black or yellow spots that appear on the neck, hands and face. They are primarily caused by sun-exposure, and usually start to appear once people hit 40. Age spots are not dangerous in any way, so there is no medical reason to get rid of them. However, they can reveal a person's age, so many men and women want to remove them for aesthetic reasons. You can get rid of age spots using a number of different methods: using OTC and prescription products, using home remedies, or using professional skin treatments.


Using OTC and Prescription Products
  1. Use hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is a very effective bleaching cream which can significantly reduce the appearance of age spots.
    • It is available in concentrations up to 2% over-the-counter, but higher concentrations will require a prescription from your doctor.
    • Be aware that hydroquinone has been banned in many European and Asian countries, due to its potential carcinogenic properties. However, it is still widely available in the US.
  2. Use Retin-A. Retin-A is an excellent anti-aging skin care product which is used to combat fine lines and wrinkles, improve the skin's texture and elasticity and fade discoloration and sun damage, including age spots.
    • Retin-A is a vitamin A derivative which is available in cream or gel form, in a variety of different strengths. It is only available by prescription, so you will need to see your doctor before you start using it.
    • It helps to eliminate age spots by exfoliating the skin, removing the outer hyperpigmented layer and revealing the fresh, new skin underneath.[1]
  3. Use products containing glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is type of alpha hydroxy acid which is commonly used in chemical peels. It works by exfoliating the skin, diminishing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.
    • When sold OTC, glycolic acid is found in cream or lotion form, which is usually applied and left to sit on the skin for a few minutes, before being rinsed off.
    • Glycolic acid can be quite harsh on the skin, sometimes causing redness and discomfort. You should always moisturize your skin after using glycolic acid products.[2]
  4. Use sunscreen. Sunscreen won't actually help to reduce the appearance of your existing age spots, but it will prevent new ones from forming (as they are caused primarily by sun damage).
    • In addition, the sunscreen will prevent your existing sun spots from becoming any darker or more noticeable.
    • You should wear a sunscreen with a zinc oxide base and an SPF of at least 15 everyday, even if it's not hot or sunny.
Using Home Remedies
  1. Use lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can help to bleach age spots. Simply dab a little fresh lemon juice directly onto the sun spot and leave to sit for 30 minutes before rinsing off. Do this twice a day and you should start to see results in a month or two.
    • Lemon juice makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight (and could make the age spot worse) so never leave lemon juice on your skin if you're going outside.
    • If you have very sensitive skin, the lemon juice might be irritating on your skin, so try diluting it to half strength with water or rosewater before applying.
  2. Use buttermilk. Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which bleaches the skin in the same way as the citric acid in lemon juice. Apply a little buttermilk directly onto your age spots and leave for 15 minutes to half an hour before rinsing off. Do this twice a day.
    • If you tend to have very oily skin, it's a good idea to mix the buttermilk with a little lemon juice before applying, as this will prevent your skin from becoming greasy.
    • For added benefit, mix a little tomato juice in with the buttermilk, as tomato also contains bleaching properties which can help to reduce age spots[3].
  3. Use honey and yogurt. A combination of honey and yogurt is believed to be beneficial when it comes to reducing age spots.
    • Simply mix equal parts of honey and plain yogurt together and apply directly onto the age spots.
    • Leave for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing off. Do this twice a day.
  4. Use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is an important ingredient in many home remedies, including one for age spots! Apply a little apple cider vinegar directly onto the age spots and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing off.
    • Only use this treatment once a day, as apple cider vinegar can be drying on the skin. You should start to see an improvement in the appearance of the age spots after about six weeks.
    • For added benefit, mix one part apple cider vinegar with one part onion juice (which you can extract by pushing chopped onion through a strainer) and apply this to the age spots instead.[4]
  5. Use aloe vera. Aloe vera is commonly used to treat a number of skin ailments, including age spots. Simply rub a little fresh aloe vera gel (taken directly from the plant) onto the affected area and leave to soak in.
    • As aloe vera is very gentle, there is no need to rinse it off. However, you may want to rinse it off if it starts to feel sticky.
    • If you don't have access to the gel from an aloe vera plant, you can bu fresh aloe vera juice at the market or health food store. This works just as well.
  6. Use castor oil. Castor oil is known for its skin healing properties and has proven effective in the treatment of age spots. Apply a little castor oil directly onto the age spots and massage into the skin for a minute or two until absorbed.
    • Do this once in the morning and once in the evening, and you should start to see an improvement in about a month.
    • If you suffer from dry skin, you can mix a little coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil in with the castor oil for added moisturization. [3]
  7. Use sandalwood. Sandalwood is believed to contain effective anti-aging properties, and is often used to reduce the appearance of age spots.
    • Mix a pinch of sandalwood powder with a couple of drops each of rose water , glycerin and lemon juice. Apply this paste onto the age spots and leave to dry for 20 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.
    • Alternatively, you could massage a drop of pure sandalwood essential oil directly onto the age spots.[3]
Using Professional Skin Treatments
  1. Use laser technology to remove age spots. During the treatment, an intense laser light penetrates the epidermis and causes the skin to rejuvenate. The intensity of the light scatters the skin pigments and destroys the discoloration.
    • The laser treatment is not painful, but may cause minimal discomfort. An anesthetic cream is applied 30 to 45 minutes before the procedure to ease the discomfort.
    • The number of sessions required will depend on the size of the area and number of spots to be treated. Generally, 2 to 3 sessions will be required. Each session can last from 30 to 45 minutes.
    • The treatment requires no downtime, but redness, puffiness and sensitivity to sunlight may occur.
    • Although laser treatment is extremely effective, its major downside is the cost. Depending on the type of laser used (Q-switched ruby, alexandrite or Fraxel dual laser) and the number of age spots requiring treatment, prices can range from $400 to $1500 per session.[5]
  2. Try microdermabrasion treatments to remove age spots. Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive skin treatment that uses a wand with air pressure. The wand blasts crystals, zinc or other abrasive materials directly against the skin, exfoliating the top layers to remove the dark, hyperpigmented skin.
    • Microdermabrasion requires no down time and there are no side effects.
    • A session can be from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area being treated. Treatment sessions are given in 2- to 3-week intervals.
    • Typically, 2 to 3 sessions will be required. Prices range can be $75 or more per session.
  3. Get a chemical peel. A chemical peel works by dissolving dead skin so new radiant skin will surface. During a chemical peel, the area to be treated is thoroughly cleansed and a gel-like acidic substance is applied. The area is then neutralized to stop the chemical process.
    • Side effects include redness, peeling and sensitivity, which may require down time.
    • Generally, two treatment sessions are required, which are given in 3- to 4-week intervals. The prices can be $250 or more per session.[6]


  • Age spots are also called liver spots, sun spots or lentigines.
  • In addition to wearing sunscreen, you can prevent sun damage to your skin by wearing protective clothing such as light, long-sleeved tops and sunhats.


  • If the age spots change in size or color, you should have them inspected by a doctor, as this may be an indication of skin cancer.

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Sources and Citations

  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Remove Age Spots. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Maintain Oily Skin

How to Maintain Oily Skin

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Ever wanted clear, beautiful, clean, and natural skin? Read this article! Are you also a girl that has oily skin around your facial areas? Well, this article will surely help.


  1. Clean your face every day. Different moisturizers can help certain skins. You must remember to do this, but please remember this..RINSE WELL!!! If you don't rinse well, the pores will stay open, that way more dirt and oil comes through the pores. Also, rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  2. Choose your scrub wisely. If you have oily skin, which this article is about, I recommend St. Ives Apricot Scrub. It cleans the area well. Most women or girls have the area around their upper nose and on the curved edge of the top of your nose. That pulls in grease no matter what.
  3. Wash your hair. Greasy hair, especially bangs, can lead to greasy forehead and cheeks.
  4. Rub a slice of apple or an orange over your face, This will help enrich your skin with vitamins.
  5. Use avocado face masks.
  6. Exercise. Exercising really helps your stress level and stress can cause acne or grease. It also brings breakouts.
  7. Eat healthy. Veggies, Fruits, Nuts, Grains! They taste well! Drink Water! Don't drink your calories. It also brings breakouts.
  8. Clean with regular soap, too. Cleaning with normal soap really helps. It helps grease disappear on your skin, which is a major help to oiliness. Honestly it really does work!



  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits
  • Eight glasses? That sounds like a lot, right? The 5000 year old Indian Health system called Ayurveda recommends that to clear our body of impurities, we must drink at least three or more glasses of lukewarm water the first thing in the morning!
  • Drink 8 glasses of water every day
  • Sunscreens and sunblocks help to minimize sun damage, but staying in the shade and wearing white cotton clothes helps avoid most of the sun’s rays. Wrinkles are created when the skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity.
  • Avoid the sun
  • We cannot reiterate this enough times, nothing ages us more than what we put into our bodies. The processed foods that we eat daily are filled with artificial ingredients that our bodies cannot digest and they leave our skin lifeless and dull.
  • And more throughout the day! People who do follow that sage advice usually have clear, smooth, amazing skin. Skin gives us the first indication of illnesses, whether it is a pale, ghostly look or gray, ashen look, our outward appearance immediately signals the condition of our health.
  • Exercise daily
  • Sweat it out. Sweat is a combination of dirt, impurities, and other excretions that the body needs to get rid of. By sweating, our body regulates its temperature, hormones, bacterial toxins, and emotions. Most of us who do aerobic exercises know that the longer we stay on our treadmills or jogging schedules, the happier we feel.
  • This is because exercise stimulates endorphins or happy hormones (called the runner’s high). Meditation and Yoga are also tremendously helpful to keep our emotional and physical systems running smoothly so that our body and mind are in top condition.
  • Starting from childhood, before the first signs of aging are visible, we have to fight the effects of nature, from the wind, the sun and other forces that wreak havoc on our skin.
  • Protect and preserve your skin
  • In contrast, a breakfast of freshly juiced combination of fruits and vegetables which are known for their anti-oxidant properties can help keep our skin glowing and supple.
  • But the sun is everywhere, you might think. The sun’s heat as well as its invisible ultra violet rays, cause more damage to our skin than any other element of nature. Most people spend the summers in skimpy swimsuits that barely cover their bodies.
  • How do we protect our skin from these onslaughts? By investing in a natural moisturizer that helps protect our skin from the sun, we can reverse the effects of aging and keep ourselves beautiful forever!


  • Alcohols -- cause excessive skin dryness and make the skin vulnerable to attacks of bacteria, moulds and viruses.
  • You should look for natural moisturizing oils like Babassu and grapeseed oil. They moisturize the skin deeply and revitalize it. They are free of any side effects and can be used by people of any skin type - dry or oily.
  • Even though their harmful effects are well-known, still they find widespread use in oily skin care products because they are cheap.
  • Fragrances -- are made up of synthetic chemicals and they cause depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, hormonal disruptions and interfere in the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
  • So, while looking for the right oily skin care for yourself, make sure that the product you choose is free of any harmful chemical substances and it contains scientifically proven natural ingredients in the proper concentrations.
  • You are better off not using any oily skincare products, than using the above synthetic substances and exposing yourself to such hazardous health problems.
  • Mineral oils -- they provide temporary moisturization and they clog the skin's pores. In this way they leave them suffocating for fresh air. The skin cells are unable to get rid of the toxins and this leads to acne eruptions, allergies, irritation, rashes and photosensitivity.
  • Parabens -- these are cheap preservatives used to improve their shelf life of skincare products. They are known to cause cancerous breast tumors!
  • They are rich in essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They rejuvenate the skin and make it healthy, supple and beautiful.
  • It makes a lot of sense to do your research online for the most appropriate oily skin care, as you can find out what ingredients are used in the product and why they have been used?

Things You'll Need

  • Cleansers
  • A positive Attitude
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Patience

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Maintain Oily Skin. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, May 9, 2014

How to Prevent Hyperpigmentation on Face and Neck

How to Prevent Hyperpigmentation of the Skin

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
When your skin cells are healthy, they produce the correct amount of melanin to maintain the pigmentation or coloring. However, skin pigmentation disorders like hyperpigmentation occur when skin cells become unhealthy or damaged. With hyperpigmentation, areas of your skin become darker. Hyperpigmentation can develop on your face or your entire body. Although hyperpigmentation is not a serious medical condition, it is still important to avoid.



  1. Understand the types of hyperpigmentation.
    • Lentigines, also called age spots or liver spots, are darkened areas of the skin. The spots are generally found on parts of your body exposed to the sun such as your face and hands.
    • Melasma, or chloasma, are darkened spots on the skin. The areas are typically darker and larger than other forms of hyperpigmentation.
  2. Know the causes of hyperpigmentation.
    • Hyperpigmentation occurs due to an overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.
    • Focal hyperpigmentation occurs after your skin is injured, burned or cut. It is also a post-inflammatory reaction to conditions such as lupus or acne.
    • Certain medications, such as cancer chemotherapy drugs, antimalarials and amiodarone, cause drug-induced hyperpigmentation.
    • Focal linear hyperpigmentation occurs because of phytophotodermatitis. Phytophtodermatitis is caused by exposure to ultraviolet light with the combination of furocoumarins (found in celery and limes).
    • Heavy metals like gold, silver, bismuth and mercury cause hyperpigmentation when the materials come in contact with the skin.
    • In women, hyperpigmentation occurs due to birth control usage or during pregnancy.
  3. Protect your skin.
    • Use sun protection factor (SPF) of approximately 30. You need to wear SPF every day, regardless of the season or weather conditions like a cloudy day. SPF, which contains ingredients like titanium dioxide, stops the UV rays from penetrating your skin.
    • Wear hats that protect your face, neck and ears from the sun.
    • Avoid the sun during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is when the sun is typically the brightest.
    • Don't wear heavy metals if they cause dark spots on your skin.
    • Before taking medication, ask the pharmacist if it causes hyperpigmentation and what can be done to prevent it.
    • Some types of hyperpigmentation, like melasma, develop if you have a family history of the condition.
    • Hyperpigmentation may fade after pregnant women give birth.


  • Treatment for hyperpigmentation includes prescription creams and over-the-counter medications that contain hydroquinone. Bleaches are also used to try to lighten or fade the dark patches.


  • Although hydroquinone helps treat hyperpigmentation, it may also cause it. Bluish black hyperpigmentation discoloration may develop on your face and the top of your ears. Typically, the dark spots develop over time and after years of hydroquinone use.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Prevent Hyperpigmentation of the Skin. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally
There are various homemade remedies that can help to decrease lines and wrinkles. Here are a few remedies that help in decreasing the effect of old age around the eye area. Since the place near and around the eyes is sensitive, it is advisable to first check on a small place before applying anything to the whole surface.


  1. Use grape seed oil. It has epidermis (skin) moisturizing and nourishing properties. It is especially efficient for maintenance of the epidermis around the eyes and in the maintenance of scars. This normal ingredient allows to combat wrinkles and rejuvenate the epidermis. Grape see oil is full of anti-oxidants such as proanthocyanidins, which help in reversing the loss of growing older. That is why many women use grape seed oil for wrinkles. If applied on dry epidermis, it keeps the epidermis moisturized, and as everybody knows, moisturized epidermis is less likely to get wrinkles than a dry one.
  2. Use Vitamin E. Vitamin E can also help decrease and prevent under eye wrinkles. Supplement E is an antioxidant and the oil is very thick, so it hydrates dry epidermis very well. Supplement E will penetrate your epidermis with powerful anti-oxidants and will lubricate the gentle eye place, help wrinkles appear less recognizable, and help prevent the development of new wrinkles. Each evening before going to bed, squeeze the liquid out from the vitamin E capsule and smear it under your eye where you see the wrinkles. Using the grape or pineapple during the day and vitamin E in the evening will show faster
  3. Try Coconut oil on your wrinkles. Coconut oil works wonders for wrinkles and anti growing older avoidance. Massaging oils into the your epidermis that is old and wrinkly, under the eye, will help. After using coconut oil for per weeks time, you will begin to see results. Continue using coconut oil on a regular basis to prevent under eye wrinkles from coming back in the future.
  4. Learn the value of avocados. Avocados are great for your epidermis. It decreases under eye wrinkles very effectively. Take some mashed avocado and use it around your eyes. As the oil with your skin’s normal oil generation, will help the epidermis looks youthful and more attractive
  5. Try some cucumbers. You may use cucumber to deal with your old and wrinkly eye-lids. This is one of the best herbs not just for under eye wrinkles but for crow’s feet. Put cucumber slices on your eyelids. The cucumber pieces will decrease these "experience" wrinkles, and puffiness so your skin will feel re-energized afterwards.
  6. Use some orange juice on your wrinkles. You can also use fresh orange juice for decreasing wrinkles around the eyes. Dip a cotton swab in fresh orange juice and use around them twice daily, morning and in the evening. Ensure you do not get the fresh orange juice in your eye. After a few weeks, you will find a recognizable decrease in line and wrinkles.
  7. Use castor oil. Castor oil is one of the oldest known anti-aging treatments. Apply and massage a few drops of castor oil to under your eyes in the evening after cleansing. This will help keep the epidermis smoother, more flexible and decrease wrinkles. You should repeat this treatment 1 to 2 times weekly after eye wrinkles have diminished to keep under eye wrinkles from redeveloping.
  8. Maintain your health: eat right; get omega3 from cold-water fish or supplements; rest; sleep; drink enough water to stay hydrated.
    • Avoid drinking excessive alcohol and habitual smoking, both detrimental to your skin and health.
    • Screen the sun's rays during your "sunny months" (winter is less problematic, unless you live near Earth's equatorial regions).


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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Naturally. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How to Hydrate Aging Skin

How to Hydrate Aging Skin

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Aging is a serious and continuous process that is unfortunately affecting us all. Here are some simple but effective steps to take on your way to beautiful, healthy skin even while 'coming of age'.


  1. Exfoliate. This is one of the most important steps in mature skincare since it removes dead skin cells buildup and freshens up the dermis, leaving the skin prepared to absorb much easier all the nutrients in your skincare routine. Plus, it makes your skin look younger by removing the accumulated debris, polishing pores and fine lines and giving an overall glowing appearance.
  2. Use sun protection. As redundant as this might sound, it is crucial to protect your skin even more as you are starting to age. Due to hormonal changes, especially in women, the skin is more sensitive to sun damage, sun spots, moles and other formations that tend to appear around this period. Protecting your skin with a good SPF lotion (the higher the better) will improve your skin's chances of safeguarding its already slowing collagen production and overall skin elasticity.
  3. Use facial oils. If you stayed away from oils most of your life due to oily/combination skin problems or acne issues, now is the time to pack up for 'the drought'. Organic Rose Hip oil is highly recommended due to its light consistency, anti oxidants and fatty acids. However, you can also use avocado oil, apricot kernel oil or grapeseed oil. A tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil is more than welcome, in both daily alimentary use as well as skincare routine.
  4. Tone down facials and facial steaming, as well as hot baths/showers. If you're a fan of facials or facial procedures that involve steaming, try cutting back on these habits because your skin has started producing less collagen and maintaining less moisture. The harsher you treat it, the drier it will become. Make sure you clean your face properly and follow your usual cleansing program (facial treatments at the salon or at home), however be gentle when using heat.
  5. Healthy diet. Make sure you drink tons of water and tea (chamomile, mint, berries, ginseng, etc). Water will not only increase your overall cell hydration but the anti oxidants contained by plants will literally prepare your skin much better than plain water and also help your organism by 'washing up' and easing the activity of your internal organs, such as kidneys and liver. Herbal teas are a good method of detoxifying your body at home or under the direction of your physician.
  6. Skin supplements. Make sure you're taking two Omega 3 supplements daily, B vitamin complex as well as calcium doses. Your skin needs as many nutrients as your body and hair do.
  7. Keep your environment humid. If you live in excessively dry climates or your workplace has a penchant for excessive heating/air conditioning, remember to place a large water bowl anywhere near you, preferably on a shelf where it cannot get uncomfortable. The slow evaporation of water will incorporate into the atmosphere and your skin will not lose as much moisture as it normally would.
  8. Use rich moisturizers. Now it's the time to splurge with those thick face cremes you probably stayed away from throughout your teens/youth and adulthood. Make sure you gently massage the creams into your skin and let it drink it up. While you don't necessarily have to go for the most expensive brand out there, make sure you pick a line/cosmetic product your skin appreciates, packed with fatty acids, fruit oils and anti oxidants. There are many famous brands that have established themselves in the anti-aging department; investing in something of quality will only improve your skin and help it become hydrated and youthful again.
  9. Use superior quality cosmetics/makeup products that will help your skin balance its moisture and not lose it. Now is the time to invest in a quality foundation and powder, switching to products for skin that's one step drier than your normal type- if you have/had oily skin, switch to normal skincare line/makeup, normal-to dry, dry-very dry. It will improve the overall condition of your skin through extra pampering and accommodate more moisture into the upper layers of the skin while allowing you to maintain your usual makeup routine.


  • If you are suffering from hormonal acne, hormonal imbalance or any other condition for that matter do discuss with your physician about any changes in nutrition, daily habits or cosmetics use before attempting to switch your current routine.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Hydrate Aging Skin. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Create an Anti Aging Skin Treatment

How to Create an Anti Aging Skin Treatment

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
best anti aging tips
An effective anti aging skin treatment is very important, as skin changes are affected by environmental factors, genetic makeup, nutrition and other factors.


  1. Prevent sunburn if at all possible
  2. Use a good quality sunscreen when outdoors, even in the winter
  3. Wear protective clothing and hats as necessary
  4. Good nutrition and adequate fluids are also helpful. Dehydration increases the risk of skin injury. Sometimes minor nutritional deficiencies can cause rashes, skin lesions, and other skin changes even if no other symptoms are present
  5. Proper anti aging skin treatment includes keeping the skin moist with lotions
  6. You should also consider additional anti aging skin treatment in the form of health supplements
  7. A preservative-free collagen supplement will support the skin structure by feeding the body internally and aesthetically. Collagen is nature's most abundant protein polymer, accounting for 30% of our bodies protein, and 75% of our skin


  • Clinical studies on anti aging skin treatment, performed by the Department of Medicine, University of Liverpool in United Kingdom indicated that "A number of micronutrients have been suggested to have metabolic properties that could induce this protection, and published data indicate that n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are particularly effective in this role".
  • Another study from the Department of Dermatology, University of California indicates that "the supplementation of diets with appropriate purified vegetable oils and/or fish oil may generate local cutaneous anti-inflammatory metabolites ... for the management of skin inflammatory disorders".


  • As you age, you are at increased risk for skin injury. Your skin is thinner, more fragile and the protective subcutaneous fat layer is lost. In addition, your ability to sense touch, pressure, vibration, heat and cold may be reduced. Therefore, your aging skin is at higher risk for injury. Consequently, appropriate anti aging skin treatment and prevention is vital.
  • Natural pigments seem to provide some protection against sun-induced skin damage. Blue-eyed, fair-skinned people show more aging skin changes than people with darker, more heavily pigmented skin.
  • The greatest threat to your skin is sun exposure. If you compare areas of your body that have regular sun exposure with areas that are protected from sunlight, you will likely observe a significant difference in skin condition. Therefore, avoid being overexposed to sun.
  • Changes in the connective tissue reduce the skin's strength and elasticity. This is known as elastosis and is especially pronounced in sun-exposed areas (solar elastosis). Elastosis produces the leathery, weather-beaten appearance common to farmers, sailors, and others who spend a large portion of their life outdoors.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Create an Anti Aging Skin Treatment. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, May 5, 2014

How to Reduce the Signs of Aging

How to Reduce the Signs of Aging

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Anti-aging is the delaying or lessening the effects of aging, especially on the skin: Research on anti-aging has made leaps and bounds. Even if we didn’t find the holy grail that would stop aging from taking its natural course, we have most clearly determined the practices that help us and those that hurt us, which are excellent factors of preventing something we are all trying to avoid at all costs, to which we cannot control. Lets evaluate a brief summary of what anti-aging research has for us so far.


  1. Have a Balanced Diet. What is most likely the greatest factor in our favor to maintain our youth and overall health is the “Eat A Balanced Diet And Participate In Regular Exercise”. Of course eating fruits and vegetables and even white meats along with eight glasses of water each day will take us a long, long way, especially over years. You don’t really need overly strict diets, unless of course you have some kind of a special condition and your physician directs you to be on one. Moderation is a good rule to follow – you can usually eat anything you like, with common sense in mind.
  2. Take supplements, but don't overdo it. Over time research on anti-aging has revealed that with our bodies lose some immune system power and their fast metabolisms. We must do everything in our power to assist our bodies such as ingesting supplements like antioxidants that combat free radicals. Many forms of research show that when vitamins are included in our diet our metabolism and immune systems are improved.
  3. Consider improving your physical fitness. For some reason some people like to trick themselves and look away from diets in order to lose weight. They claim they’re happy with the way they are and state they feel healthy with no room for change. Others feel happy with who they are as well, but desire to increase their happiness therefore they look at anti-aging and food seriously.
  4. Not every food can assist you with the anti-aging process. The calories in many fast food meals contain empty calories, which simply means they are deficient in necessary vitamins and minerals needed to slow aging.
  5. Eat properly. Considering all of this it is clear you should eat those foods that will benefit your body and mind. Some excellent choices include raw nuts, barley greens, seeds, and olive oil. Similar foods can help slow the process of aging. When considering the cell replication process when one cell dies and another grows and takes its place food and anti-aging really go hand in hand with this process.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Reduce the Signs of Aging. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.